Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Review (Switch) | Nintendo Life

2023-02-15 15:49:55 By : Mr. Yunyi Shen

If there’s one thing pretty much everyone can agree on, it’s that the Final Fantasy series has some incredible music. With a 35-year legacy and around 100 games bearing the Final Fantasy moniker, it’s not surprising that the music from the series is some of the most recognisable in video game history. Theatrhythm, then, is a no-brainer. A series of rhythm games that package together some of gaming's best-loved melodies, there’s no better way to celebrate this storied franchise and its vast catalogue of music.

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, then, is the best yet in that respect. As the first new entry since 2016’s arcade game All-Star Carnival and the first home release since 2014’s Curtain Call, Final Bar Line is simply a delight. It’s a bonanza of musical magic, stuffed and bursting with things to do. There are more songs, more games represented, more characters, and new modes, and it never feels like too much of a good thing.

It's mind-blowing how much is packed into Final Bar Line. In the base game, there are 385 songs to unlock, ranging from the NES' Final Fantasy all the way to 2022’s Stranger of Paradise. It’s hard to be upset with everything on offer here, even when Final Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker expansion and the Pixel Remaster arrangements are missing, and tracks like ‘Aria di Mezzo Carattere’ from Final Fantasy VI or Final Fantasy VIII’s ‘The Landing’ aren’t included. You could double the song count and you’d still have to cut some classics – the music in this series really is just that good. And this is before the Deluxe Edition or the DLC comes into play. You also might just find a new favourite track — the Mobius Final Fantasy music, for instance, shocked us.

For those who have played the 3DS games, this is still very much Theatrhythm. Touch, slide, and hold notes are all back, as is every single FF song and character from previous entries (though some returning FF songs are locked to the Deluxe Edition) along with some brand new tracks. BMS, FMS, and EMS (Battle, Field, and Event Music Stages) all return, with EMS stages limited to only a handful of songs – though this mode is much easier to play than in previous entries, with easier-to-follow notes and a lot less action on screen. And the overly cute character models, enemy animations, and general style, all feel warm and familiar.

The biggest difference in Final Bar Line is the lack of touchscreen controls. The default control method involves using buttons and the analogue sticks, which can take some getting used to, but once the controls clicked for us, we felt like a maestro.

But you can also press the 'X' button on the song select screen to swap between this, a simpler one-button scheme, and a 'Pairs' mode which you can play with a friend in some really fun co-op play. We mostly played with Standard controls, which worked extremely well with both a Pro Controller and Joy-Con in handheld mode – we found that 'ZL' and 'ZR' felt the most comfortable for touch and hold notes, which freed up our thumbs to use the analogue sticks for slide notes.

The settings go beyond simply adjusting the controls, and Final Bar Line is extremely approachable as a result. You can tinker around with the button calibration in both Docked and Handheld mode, change the speed of the notes to your liking, dim the background to stop animations from distracting you, and there's even a second note option for colourblind players.

Once you're set up and ready to conduct a concerto of Final Fantasy music, you can dive into Series Quest mode to unlock characters and songs in Music Stage mode, where you can play whatever song you want to your heart’s content. In Series Quest, you pick a title and you get to play through a bite-sized musical interpretation of that Final Fantasy game (or series). Final Fantasy III, for example, starts off with 'Eternal Wind', the world map theme, before moving on to ‘Battle I’ and ‘Crystal Cave’.

This is a really lovely little nod to every individual game and series represented in Final Bar Line, and the attention to detail in the songs, the enemies, and even the additional challenges, made us chuckle. Your first Final Fantasy I BMS stage requires you to kill a certain number of Goblin enemies, while Crisis Core's 'The Price of Freedom' only throws SOLDIER enemies at you — and you have to defeat 30 of them. Let's just say we struggled with that one as we blinked through tears while hitting the notes perfectly.

While the goal is to beat multiple titles, get keys, and unlock new titles until you get a special title that unlocks the brand-new Endless Mode (another addictive option that throws song after song at us until we stumble over the stave lines), we found Series Quest to be irresistible because of this mix of nostalgia and skill. The Challenges can get tough — from beating songs on the highest difficulty to finishing a hard song without healing — and there are often stage hazards too, like faster notes and triggers that are harshly judged. It's a fantastic mode for returning fans, but you can also do every single stage on whatever difficulty you want, meaning newcomers can learn the basics by playing through their favourite games.

The additional challenges and the higher difficulties made us quickly realise something — Final Bar Line has a bit of a bite to it, and we love it. There's a brand-new difficulty in Supreme, which makes Ultimate feel like a summer breeze as the number of notes on screen at any one time can be pretty terrifying. Ultimate and Supreme give those who want a challenge, like us, something meaty to sink their teeth into. It might just take tons practice to get to that level. But you really feel progress being made as your practice the songs over and over, plus the crushing disappointment if you miss just one Critical note and fall shy of the elusive All-Critical rating. We're absolutely not talking from experience at all. No way.

However, as we unlocked more songs and jumped between Series Quest and Music Stage, something that kept nipping away at us was the number of loads. Between jumping into menus and waiting between song selections, these often-choppy load screens are far too frequent and break the flow of things just a bit too much. We're not sure if the load times affect online multiplayer — which wasn't available for us during the review period — but it slows down an otherwise snappy experience.

Beyond just perfecting your favourite Final Fantasy tunes, there are so many reasons to keep playing, and beyond simply practicing to improve, one way you can get through some of the harder songs and challenges is by composing the perfect party.

Every character can be levelled up to 99, and they all fit into one of seven classes – Physical, Magic, Defender, Support, Hunter, Summon, and Healer. While we could honestly run a party like Vivi, Balthier, Zack, and Prishe the entire time, swapping out the heavy damage-dealer Prishe for the thief Rikku allows us to get more chests and more collectibles. Or a Healer like Lenna can help you survive longer in an Ultimate song. It's also just fun to mix and match parties — from playing all of the Final Fantasy IX songs with that game's characters, to diving into another song or game series and mixing and matching. It's not an essential mechanic, but it's fun to tinker with.

There are multiple characters within each of the six classes too, meaning it's highly likely that one of your favourites will be present in each category. And, to help differentiate them a little bit more from each other, each character gets their own skillset, along with one unique move that amplifies their specialty. Aerith’s Great Gospel is an extremely powerful healing spell that only she can get, for example. If there’s one downgrade here compared to Curtain Call, it’s that characters can only equip three skills as opposed to four. This makes party composition that bit more crucial, but it also means that customisation is more compromised, and sometimes we had to sacrifice something that’s more powerful for a skill that’s easier to activate.

Of course, part of the magic of Final Bar Line comes from our nostalgia for the Final Fantasy series, because it evokes memories of so many of the titles we grew up with. After all, who doesn’t remember stepping out onto the world map in Final Fantasy IV for the first time, or boarding the Highwind in Final Fantasy VII and zipping all across the skies?

And ultimately, this is a game for Final Fantasy fans. Many series-favourite summons can be used in the BMS stages, and they deal high damage to enemies while also boosting the party's attack, or give an EXP increase. There are airships from different titles to fly into FMS stages in, and you can get some adorable outfits for your Moogle companion – who doesn’t want to see a Moogle dressed up as a Tonberry, after all? The latter two don’t do anything, but as simple homages to Final Fantasy history, they made us smile.

But, even if you haven't played a Theatrhythm game before, or if your experience with Final Fantasy is limited, everything comes together to create a game that's just pure celebratory fun, even if you don't make every reference. Final Bar Line’s simplicity – from its charming paper-craft chibi art style to easy-to-understand controls – is a brilliant way of helping fans relive their favourite moments while welcoming those with a bit less experience with the series or with rhythm games in general. With plenty of rewards for players who enjoy a challenge, this is everything we hoped it would be.

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is an utterly addictive, perfectly tuned celebration of all things Final Fantasy. It’s a deceptively simple-looking game that, once you get under the hood, you’ll discover it has teeth and demands practice and patience if you want to unlock everything. It gives back what you put into it, and we’re struggling to put it down even now. We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the series’ 35th anniversary, and this makes it a must-buy for Final Fantasy fans and rhythm game enthusiasts. How other storied, sprawling game series’ haven’t followed suit with their own rhythm games is baffling when the results can be this magical.

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RPG lover first and Nintendo fan second, Alana is often found overthinking battle strategies, characters, and stories. Fortunately, she’s also easily pleased by anything Yoshi-related, creepy-but-cute Pokémon, and SEGA air pirates.

I put around 500 hours into the 3DS game but played entirely with touch screen controls and always really struggled trying to play it with buttons instead so I doubt I'll ever get used to the control scheme in this game to enjoy it anywhere near as much but I'll give it a fair try.

Got my pre order already. Spend over 15 hours in the demo. I’m super excited!

Can’t wait for my copy to come in. I had stopped playing the demo just to be ready for the full release. So many hours put into the 3DS games can’t wait to put just as many hours on the Switch version (PS4 later on as well for trophies).

Great! The first two were awesome and addictive fun

This review has convinced me to buy the game.

I played the demo and man, I'm totally gonna pick this up, and I'm not even a huge Final Fantasy fan. The amount of content on display in the game with even more coming as dlc is just astounding, plus an rog battle mode and cool local multiplayer mode? This is easily gonna become one of, if not the best rhythm game on the Switch, Final Fantasy fan or not.

"How other storied, sprawling game series’ haven’t followed suit with their own rhythm games is baffling when the results can be this magical."

I've always thought this since I played the original on the 3DS. If Nintendo did something with all their series it'd be an instant day-one purchase for me.

The inclusion of other Square-Enix properties in this one is super appealing to me. However, it's really the price that puts me off. Not only is this now a full-price Switch game (compared with something you could pick up for half the price on 3DS), but the deluxe edition is almost £100!

I really want to play this. But I don't have a Nintendo Switch and I was expecting them to release it on PC as well. Maybe down the line, recent Square Enix games not getting PC ports has been a rarity. Even PlayStation exclusives like FF7 Remake and Forspoken got PC ports eventually.

Hell, I would buy Theatrhythm Final Bar Line on PC even if it's an Epic Games Store exclusive.

@BenAV Yeah I was really disappointed to hear that there's no touch controls, especially when other games like Etrian Odyssey or Ghost Trick do better.

I can't pronounce Theatrhythm right. I just can't!

Aside from the absence of a few personal favorite tracks, the demo experience alone informed me that this will be a must-have game for Final Fantasy fans.

@Buizel oh man I would be salivating for a Nintendo music version of Theatrhythm. Mario, Zelda, Metroid ohhh the possibilities.

@Hydra_Spectre it’s a dang shame as this would totally work being on PC since it is more button oriented than the 3DS releases. In my case I would love for it to release on Steam to be able to play it on Steam Deck.

This game feels like a little masterpiece

@Buizel on the one hand, yeah, €120 for the full experience is steep, on the other hand, where can you find a rhythm game that offers 500+ songs for such a price? Most €60 rhythm games offer like 30 to 50 songs.

@John_Deacon I just pronounce it as theather-rhythm. Is that not the correct pronounciation?

@darkswabber I guess that's the way it should be pronounced. As I'm not a native English speaker, the two TH sounds make it a tongue twister to me

@John_Deacon don’t worry, I’m not native English either. Sometimes words are written in a more complicated way than they are pronounced ?

I must be in the minority for preferring button controls. I loved the first game, but when Curtain Call introduced button controls it was infinitely more enjoyable to play, I went from struggling in Expert to nailing most of the Ultimate scores.

Kind of disappointed on the demo with series quest. I was hoping more for the random quest elements from the last two games would return. The characters just handed over with each game instead of through shard hunting also takes away some impetus to play, especially when the exp is so generous now. Small annoyances though, I'll still buy it and probably put hundreds of hours in because there's nothing like this amazing series for gamers who love the music of games more than their games.

gods, I can't wait for this.

Just wish it included DQ music. KH had its own game. This has pretty much every other major Square IP. But no love for DQ music?

@Coalescence I also prefer button controls. I always used buttons on 3DS too. Much more exact (and comfortable) than the touch controls were

@Buizel Its only $50 instead of $60. Not a full priced release

I can't believe its happening, cannot wait!

Sounds great! Just wondering how does co op work? Do both players play all the same notes or is each song split with each player playing half the track?

@Mando44646 Maybe Dragon Quest is one of the DLC packs we don't know the contents of yet? I'm hoping 1 of them is for Star Ocean

@DrJoson @Mando44646 dragon quest had its own game like FF and KH. It was japan exclusive.

@darkswabber I am still mad to this day how that one stayed in Japan as I was really looking forward to playing it.

I got my copy preloaded on my Switch.

Having dumped untold amounts of hours in the original release, Curtain Call, Dragon Quest, and even Memory of Melodies, I cannot wait for this!

Beautiful, even as someone who barely played Final Fantasy games I'm looking forward to playing this, the music in this series is just that good and I can't say no to an overall excellent rhythm game! By the way, reminder for those who want to get it physically, don't want to get the Deluxe edition immediately etc. that you can later upgrade to it (I know it's not perfect, but I'd say it's a fair compromise over having to also get the base game digitally, all at once etc.) according to this tweet:

@Mando44646 Really? It's £49.99 in the UK, which is the same price as Nintendo's first party releases. Strange.

@darkswabber Sure, there's a lot of content...maybe too much content...but personally I'd rather play a lower price and have a choice of what songs are included. There's a lot of context here that I'll simply never experience, whereas a lot of the content that interests me is locked behind the expansion pass =/

It’s a good game but not worth £50

I liked Curtain Call a fair bit (and primarily played with buttons anyway, so that's not an issue for me here), but I pretty much stopped after going through the songs once as the game's RPG progression structure is really shallow and conflicted with the skill-based rhythm gameplay most of the time. There was also very little point in leveling up more than one set of characters over the course of the game. One thing I did like in the demo for this was seeing the game incentivize meeting different conditions during the levels to earn rewards, but I still feel like there's not enough depth here to keep me hooked.

Also, the lack of the Pixel Remaster versions of the songs from the first six games is incredibly disappointing.

How can the FF7 tracklist not have Crazy Motorcycle?! It's a great track for this game!

I ADORED the demo, and I honestly feel like I'm not done with it in order to justify this at launch at this point. If I pick up a game in the very near future, it's this or Tales of Symphonia.

@BenAV That’s exactly my experience, put hundreds, if not a thousand hours into the 3DS games using touch controls. The PS5 demo bummed me out with how much worse I was using buttons.

@Mando44646 The Dragon Quest Theatrhythm game is perfectly playable in Japanese, easy enough to play if you have a 3DS.

Thanks, my doubts have dispersed. Let's face it, arethese skill slots even relevant if you play Dragon Theme from Final Fantasy V

@John_Deacon According to game's title in Japanese, it is pronounced as theatre-rhythm.

@darkswabber «I just pronounce it as theather-rhythm. Is that not the correct pronounciation?» Yep, that's correct, according to game's title in Japanese.

What if I don't like FF but I love rhythm games?

@BenAV I'm with you as I also put a ton of hours into both 3ds versions. I can say it was awkward at first using the buttons but it works surprisingly well. Plus you're not going to destroy the touch screen like before.

@BananaMetallurgica FF has imo the best music of any game series and I'm a huge Zelda fan as well. Even if you don't like the main games I think you might love this game. Download the demo and see for yourself.

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